Area Rugs

Area rugs are versatile floor coverings that add warmth, comfort, and style to interior spaces. Originating thousands of years ago, area rugs were initially handcrafted using natural materials like wool, cotton, and silk by ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Persians, and Chinese. These early rugs served both functional and decorative purposes, providing insulation, cushioning, and artistic expression. Today, area rugs continue to be cherished as essential elements of interior design, offering versatility, personality, and a touch of luxury to homes, offices, and commercial spaces worldwide.

Want to work wlth us on your next area rug project? Get in touch with our sales team here.

Our area rug offerings include:

  • Hand-Tufted

    Our hand-tufted carpets seamlessly blend traditional craftsmanship with timeless luxury, imparting an air of elegance and sophistication to any setting. Crafted by skilled artisans, these resilient pieces provide an exceptional level of softness and comfort, creating a cozy underfoot experience. As a long-lasting investment for your home or office, hand-tufted carpets represent a harmonious union of durability and aesthetic appeal.

  • Woven

    Our Woven rugs epitomize the artistry of modern craftsmanship combined with traditional elegance. Crafted meticulously by our state-of-the-art machinery, each rug tells a story of heritage and fine craftsmanship. These rugs boast durability and timeless beauty, making them a cherished addition to any space.

  • Printed

    Printed nylon rugs offer a fusion of contemporary design and practicality, bringing vibrant colors and patterns to life with precision printing techniques. Crafted from durable nylon fibers, these rugs are not only visually stunning but also resistant to stains and wear, making them ideal for high-traffic areas in homes and businesses alike.

  • Door Mats

    Our door mats are more than just a practical necessity; they are a stylish welcome to your home or office. Crafted from durable materials like coir or rubber, these mats are designed to withstand the elements while adding a touch of personality to your entryway. With a variety of designs and sizes available, our door mats ensure that every step into your space is met with both functionality and flair.